Sanskrit language is the most ancient language. It is also called the language of Gods (Devabhasha). It has really a wide range of importance. It is the authentic language for all the Vedic rituals. All the Vedic scriptures are written in this language. Sanskrit language is rich of all type of materialistic as well as spiritual knowledge. It is enriched by superb literatures as well.
Nowadays it is also proved as the most scientific language of the world.
In this context, in order to ease the learning process of Sanskrit language, Svadhyayashala is publishing pictorial readers of Sanskrit by Pramodavaradhana Kauandinnyayana since 1994. So far three graded readers are published.
These heavily illustrated readers are equally useful to youngsters as well as the elder beginners of the Sanskrit language. The reader starts from the introduction of Sanskrit alphabets and gradually presents simple sentences slokas and short stories. The appendix of the book includes different practical words.